We would like to learn about topic preferences for upcoming trainings in the PHCC Academy. The next set of questions will ask you to rate your interest in the following topics. How interested are you in the following crisis and risk communication topics?Very interestedSomewhat interestedNot at all interestedDeveloping key messages during a public health crisisUsing social media during a public health crisisDelivering culturally competent messaging in a public health crisisAddressing misinformation during a public health crisisUsing community engagement to build trust during a public health crisisIdentifying the audiences during a public health crisisIdentifying communication channelsDeveloping a plan for future public health crisesWhat other topics on crisis communications would you like to learn about in a PHCC Academy training? (please specify)How interested are you in the following media relations topics?Very interestedSomewhat interestedNot at all interestedDeveloping a media strategy for regular communicationsDeveloping a media strategy for public health crisis communicationsDeveloping media pitches Preparing PH leaders to successfully communicate to the publicMessaging in plain languageCulturally competent messagingWhat other media relations topics should we include in Academy trainings? (please specify)How interested are you in the following advancing equity topics?Very interestedSomewhat interestedNot at all interestedPublic health communication to address power sharingPublic health communication to address power buildingPublic health communication to address narrative change (Telling a story)Public health communication to address policy, systems, and environmental changeWhat other topics around communications to advance equity should we include in Academy trainings? (please specify)How interested are you in the following health behavior change topics?Very interestedSomewhat interestedNot at all interestedApplying an evidence based approach to health behavior changeUsing evidence based health behavior change approaches to develop effective public health communicationsWhat other health behavior change topics should we include in Academy trainings? (please specify)How interested are you in the following social marketing topics?Very interestedSomewhat interestedNot at all interestedUsing social media campaigns to develop effective public health messagingWhat other social marketing topics should we include in Academy trainings? (please specify)How interested are you in the following qualitative and quantitative research topics?Very interestedSomewhat interestedNot at all interestedUsing research to support PH communication approachesDeveloping a survey and analyzing the resultsConducting interviews and focus groups, and analyzing resultsWhat other qualitative and quantitative research topics should we include in Academy trainings? (please specify)What other communications topics should we include in Academy trainings? (please specify)What other public health topics would you like included in a PHCC Academy training? Select all that apply: Chronic disease communications (e.g., prevention and screening) Infectious disease communications (e.g., flu, COVID-19, RSV, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis) COVID-19 recovery communications (e.g., staying up-to-date with current guidance on masking and isolation, addressing long-COVID) Environmental health (e.g., air quality, climate change, water quality) Maternal and child health (e.g., prenatal care, nutrition, exercise) Mental health (e.g., destigmatizing mental health issues, treatment) Substance use (e.g., screening, harm reduction, treatment) Other, please specify: other public health topics