Email First Name Last Name Password Confirm Password Strength indicator Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ). Profile Information Pronouns Job Title * Which of the following best describes the organization/sector you work in? *Select all that apply: Health Department Other Government Agency Non-governmental or community-based organization Academia Business Other (please specify) Other sector * For Health Department Only Name of Health Department * Level of health department *Please select one: CityCountyStateTribalOther (please specify) Other Level * Size of Dept Jurisdiction *Please select one: <25,00025,000-49,99950,000-99,999100,000-249,999250,000-499,999500,000-999,9991,000,000+ Is there a communications specific staff person/team in your organization? * No, no communications specific staffYes, one staffYes, multiple staff/a team Which of the following describes your role/department you work in? *Select all that apply: Communications Community Outreach Director/Leadership Epidemiology Health Education Research Other, please specify: Other Role/Dept. * Please select which best describes your communications role. *Select all that apply: Communication Director Public Health Information Officer (PIO) Health Promotion Specialist Social Media Web/Website Team Translations Other, please specify: Other communications role * Are you a manager/supervisor of other staff as a part of your role? * YesNo Years in role *Select one: Less than a year1-2 years2-5 years5-7 years7-9 years10 years or more Please share any degrees and/or certifications you have related to public health communications. * Race/EthnicitySelect all that apply: American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic/Latine Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Other, please specify Prefer not to answer Other Race/Ethnicity Are you open to your email address being shared with other PHCC Academy participants? * OK to share emailDo not share email Are there topics you are interested in more training on? Register for a PHCC Academy Account Already have an account? Log inLost your password?